5 Lesser-Known Facts About

America’s Hardworking Family Farmers

Each and every purchase you make on Perduefarms.com supports small family farmers and ranchers within one of our brands' networks. Your purchase not only helps that farmer, but the next generation of farmers who will inherit his or her land.

Perdue chicken farm family


Number of U.S. Farms Operated by Families

Our networks of small family farmers and ranchers keep the centuries-old tradition of farming alive in America.1

tractor plowing farm field

166 People

Population Fed by One U.S. Farm Per Year

Our farmers and ranchers grow the food that feeds and nourishes our families. 2

Niman Ranch hogs


Farmer's Portion of Each Food Dollar Spent

Our small family farmers and ranchers work hard for the money they earn.3

Perdue grain farmer in field

Over 1/2

U.S. Farmers Who Lose Money Each Year

We offer scholarship and support programs for the farmers and ranchers in our networks.4

Perdue chicken farm barn


U.S. Farmland That Will Change Hands in the Next 20 Years

Although legacy is a concern, we work hard to keep farmers and ranchers on their land and in their communities.5


1. “America’s Diverse Family Farms: 2018 Edition,” USDA.
2. “Fast Facts About Agriculture & Food,” American Farm Bureau Federation.

3. “Food Dollar Series,” USDA
4. “Highlights From the February 2020 Farm Income Forecast,” USDA.
5. “Family Farms,” National Institute of Food and Agriculture.