Being thoughtful stewards of the environment is one of Perdue Farms’ most important social pillars. In fact, ‘Planet’ is one of the four goals by which Perdue Farms’ associates are measured and held accountable each year. At Perduefarms.com, we’re taking the following steps to lessen our carbon footprint and protect our ecosystem:
How We Help to Protect Pollinator Populations
In 2018, we planted 250,000 native and pollinator-friendly plants on the solar array adjacent to Perdue Farms’ headquarters in Salisbury, Maryland. In spring 2020, the plants bloomed, making us the first poultry company in the state — and the U.S.! — to have a pollinator-friendly ground cover at a company solar installation. In recognition of our efforts, we were awarded the Governor’s Citation, which was presented by Lieutenant Governor Boyd K. Rutherford.
GreenCircle Zero Waste to Landfill Certification
Our Lewiston, North Carolina, operation is GreenCircle Zero Waste to Landfill certified, which means 100% of the waste materials leaving the facility are diverted from landfill via GreenCircle’s acceptable means of diversion (reuse, recycling or incineration for energy). To receive certification, Lewiston went through a rigorous audit and assessment process.